Rap Legal Talk

Yo, let me spit some knowledge, ain’t no need for college
They say the 2015 legal studies exam was tough
But don’t worry, I got the stuff, to help you stay above

Legal studies exam ain’t no joke
But with the right resources, you’ll never be broke

International contracts law, it’s like a jungle out there
You need expert advice, if you wanna play fair
International contracts law can be complex
But with the right help, you’ll always pass the test

North Carolina knife length laws, they got us feeling lost
But with ID Work Studio, we can count the cost
Knife length laws can be a pain
But with the right info, you’ll never be in vain

The legal drinking age in Victoria, Australia is what it is
You gotta know the rules, if you wanna take a swig
Follow the guidelines, and you’ll be fine
But break the law, and you’ll end up doing time

Byrna gun legal for felons, don’t even think about it
You gotta know the rules, if you don’t wanna take a hit
Byrna gun legality for felons ain’t no joke
So be smart, and don’t end up broke

Legal opposition can be a tough game
But with the right strategies, you can light the flame
Fight for your rights, and don’t give up the fight
With effective legal defense, you’ll be alright

The legal working age in New Brunswick is what it is
So if you wanna work, you gotta follow the biz
Know the laws, and you’ll be alright
But break the rules, and you’ll be in for a fight

The Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, Santa Monica is here to help
If you need legal assistance, don’t yelp
They got the team, to fight for your rights
So don’t be afraid, and turn on the lights

Clyde Snow Law Firm, they got the team
With experienced lawyers, it’s like living in a dream
Legal team for your needs is what they got
So if you need help, give them a shot

And last but not least, how to label confidential documents
It’s important to know, if you don’t wanna be in a jam
Follow the guidelines, and you’ll be just fine
But break the rules, and you’ll be doing time